Thursday, 14 June 2012

In need...

It just sort of clicked to me that I think that I am in need of a bit of spiritual upliftment... I have been reading, but minimally, temple would be good, but it just feels like there is something else I need, but I dont know what it is right now... Im sure it will come to me...

I am still adjusting to my new job and to be honest, I am still homesick for my old school, and I do realise that I need to get over that and this change is just a part of life. Things arent as relaxed as they were at my last job and tha is a good thing, the expectations are higher and I am more than capable, its just pushing myself because I guess in some ways I havent needed to! But if this job has come now, than I need to be grateful for it because it really is a blessing to have a job when so many people are struggling to find work.

I feel like I am in need of a little fun too... heres what I am self-prescribing:

1. A big dose of spiritual upliftment, I need to do something, like I feel like I need to help someone, but I dont know if that is what it is.

2. Something FUN

Any suggestions?


Melissa said...

Coming to the states would be fun right?
There's probably tons of service you could do.
I know my sister would probably appreciate some help in some way, dinner, cleaning, babysitting something you know.
Surely there's others you can think of in need you know.
That'd be fun.
Making something yummy everyone loves.
Finishing that quilt you've got going on.
Can't wait to hear what you figure out.

Jessie said...

I don't want to get all serious and cheesy on you, but for the spiritual part you should pray and ask for opportunities to be put in your path (if helping someone is what you need) did the temple on Saturday help?
And you Llewellyn Bevin and Dior should come up to auckland for the night one day soon?

Ash... said...

Milz, America would be totally awesome but might have to save up for that one! But thank you for your great ideas!

Jessie, your right, I should have a pray for opportunities, I dont think that is cheesy at all!
Temple on Saturday was great, it was nice and peaceful and calming! Yeah a trip to Auckland sounds awesome, I will have a word with the others!