Sunday, 3 June 2012

Master Chef and Apprentice... this takes the CAKE!

Last week was big boii Llews Birthday. We went out for a nice birthday dinner, Llew, the kids and myeslf. I have a very funny moment to share, I know you will just love this!

Trying to have photos with the birthday cake, classic! Lucky that cake did'nt end up on the floor lol

Check out these cake skills!!!

WE made this cake for Ayuri for her birthday! She loves these lil figurine things called Moshi Monsters. They seem to be the craze. Anyway, this is Poppet! I tell ya, I thought the longer he looked at this cake, he would start critiquing it hahaha, but seriously, it turned out PERFECT!

I tell you, cake making is a hectic task! I cooked the cake the night before. Then there is all the cutting and putting the template together, prepping the cake before putting the icing on it followed by the details! But it was so cool when we got to the final product! Seriousl, you all better be saying how fab this cake is! lol... Now I am thinking, oh oh, what have we got into?! SIX HOURS LATERRR...

The 'Master Chef' doing a final inspection of OUR materpiece!

 Final touches...

OOh Llew, serioulsy dont drop that cake huh! After all, we know what you are like with cakes after that vid... HAHAHA

I had to get some glory for the cake too... It was a TEAM effort!


Dior said...

hahahahah awesome post!
that cracked me up! well the cake sliding off was funny, but i though it was more hilarious listening to llew get his photos taken haha.. ok ok go, yup go, ok one more one more, go. LOL... nice to know you like getting photos! haha.
& the cake..very PROFESH! yous did a great job with the it!!!! i bet she LOVED it!! :)

Melissa said...

Man I can't see the vid.
It looks way pro.
Both of yyou should be really proud.

Llew said...

common Ash, you have to do more than just bake the cake, draw the template, make the eyes, cheeks, hands, do most the piping, roll the blue icing and do the lettering around the outside, and do the pink feet, to get in on MY cake.... (reading that im struggling to think what i did)
ANYWAY... you did a great job assisting me!!! thanks for the help.

Ash... said...

Look funny guy... man, I have nothing to say, sometimes its the words that are not spoken that say it all! lol... I think I did such a great job ASSISTING, thanks Llew for letting me help! lol