Monday, 18 June 2012

On the way...

SO... Went temple on Saturday and it was really nice, calming and peaceful! Before going in to do our session, I flipped the scriptures to where it was tabbed with the ribbon and the message I read was awesome, it like pertained to me at this time and so I was really grateful to that. I think it was in Alma 32? Will have to have another read anyway. So it has been an awesome weekend. Yesterday we had ward conference, some real good speakers! Then YSA FHE and although I didn't stay for the whole thing, I really enjoyed it.

Monday night FHE with Dior, Bevin, LLew and myself. It was cool! Shares some reading, ate some food, played some games and had a few laughs. An awesome night with awesome company! Thanks guys.

So thank you to the little birdie that made some suggestions for what I can do, I am gearing up to put some of those ideas in motion. Def need to finish that quilt to so I can publish the finishing product and it would be a great idea to cook and deliver a meal I think :)

Life is good, on a good roll...

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