Thursday, 8 November 2012

Thought of the Day...

I tend to have random thoughts at times. This was the latest...

I think we focus so much on the "product" rather than the "process." Even though the product is great, I think what makes it greater is the process it has taken to get there. That is, all the blood, sweat, tears, struggles, time, sacrifices, effort and love that it takes to produce something, anything! I think that the more thought we give to the process of the product, will help us to have a greater appreciation for the product itself!

Here's an analogy for you... I was thinking about plants and how they grow and what marvellous things they must have to go through to grow, all the things we don't really see, but they happen, they are there! Consider a flower as the product. How often do we take the time to think about the work that it took to become what it is? I found this peaceful video. I hope that in watching it, you will get an understanding of what I am trying to say.

Here is my challenge people: think of something someone has done or even given to you... how much appreciation did you show for it? How? Did you think about the process that got to that product? Now that you have thought about it, do you have a better appreciation for that something or someone?
This is rhetorical, but feel free to share if you like!

I think this thought helps me to want to be more grateful for things in my life, because I have so many blessings in my life, and really, all thanks to my Heavenly Father.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Hey can you tell me Dior's birthday?