Man I have been so flat tack with work! Week 3 and I feel like I have been there a whole term. So glad that parent teacher interviews and reports are done, until this time next term anyway!
So sometimes, things in life can seem a little hard. I totally think we are our own worst enemies, most of the time! But I think when things are a little rough, we need to count our blessings because besides the things that seem tough at the time, I think we need to try and remember that we have been given so much! What I want to know is, how does everyone else everyone else find strength? What works for you? How do you overcome things?
Ash you are SO AWESOME and even though we've never met I'm EXTREMELY GRATEFUL to be allowed to view your blog and get to know you a little more.
You are kind, helpful, without guile, steady, real and beautiful. These are all wonderful characteristics of an awesome woman.
The LDS community are SO BLESSED to have you be a part of it. You exude what it means to be christ like, and don't shake your head and say to yourself 'no, no, I don't because YOU DO.
I wish I could be more like you.
Thanks for being such a great example of compassion and goodness in a world where hate and selfishness florish.
Don't ever change those great qualitites you have.
For me when I"m going through a rough patch I HAVE to lean on my exersize and the scriptures.
No one can make me feel the kind of peace that my heavenly father can.
He is the one who loves you the most and knows you the best.
He wants only the VERY BEST for you and knows your path, lean on him by prayer and scripture study and you will feel that peace that you need at this time.
He loves you and is on your side.
Sometimes feeling that peace is the only way I can make it through, cause nothing else makes sense.
Love you Ash
Hang in there.
Wow Millz... that was a pretty hearty post! It made me cry!!! I was thinking that from my blog you would have gathered that I have neglected my blogging (lol), am a bit of a clown... but thank you sooo much, I dont think I can thank you enough at this time! When someone tells you all these wonderful things about you, you want to accept them, but humble yourself at the same time remembering that I am nothing without Heavenly Father.
Man I have some faults... Sometimes I think so much about my own feelings, that I forget that of others, not intentionally, but I do it!
I think sometimes we need to focus less on ourselves and how we are feeling and look to try and see how those around us are being affected, sometimes we get so focussed on how we are feeling that we forget about others and asking them how they are feeling? Asking them how we can lighten their burdens? Sometimes we cant help them and that can be a hard thing too when there is nothing you can really do to help!
Anyway, thanx heaps, but I seen this poster with a quote on it and it went somthing along the lines of... I wish you could see what I see in you! And seriously, it would be way cool to meet you... You really sound like an awesome person that I think I would get along with so well... you sound like such an awesome mum and wife! A wise and loving sister! Thats really awesome!
All I have been wanting to do is go to the temple, read my scriptures and pray and pray and pray! I think I struggle a little with faith and trusting and am susceptible to Satan and his doubt and fear! Things I need to strengthen on... I will get there, He will help me and I am grateful for your beautiful words of support!
Love you Millz
Thank you so much
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