Monday, 15 September 2014

Soldiers Road Portraits

There is clearly a reason why our blog is currently called 'The Hopeless Blogger' and I'm sure it's a pretty obvious reason. We are hopeless at keeping our blog up-to-date. So let's see if I can do it, at least for this week.

So a couple weeks ago I was on FB and seen this really awesome vintage image a mate had shared. After checking out the FB site for 'Soldiers Road', I fell in love with the thought of having our own vintage portraits. After further reading about 'Soldiers Road' I learnt that they were hoping to get to the Kuirau Park Saturday markets in Rotorua. Well I had the details they needed as I had only just enquired for my own stall. After passing on the details to 'Soldiers Road' and hitting 'LIKE' on their page, they replied and congratulated me on being their 14,000th 'LIKE' and said they would do a free portrait for me at the markets if I was going to be there, OF COURSE I WAS GOING TO BE THERE!

I was so excited! So excited that I 'won' something because I never really won anything, not even a pass the parcel when I was a kid, which I always felt a bit ripped off about, haha. So I was definitely over the moon!

It worked out quite nicely too, because just this style of photography is what my nan has been nagging me to have. My nan made me a beautiful Korowai for when I graduated Uni and since Ari was born, she has really been wanting me to have photos of Ari with the Korowai. Well it's funny how some things work out! This worked out perfect. Portraits, just like what my nan wanted and for FREE! Could it get any better? Well I think the images speak for themselves. So grateful for this 'freebie', which I would consider more a gift then anything.

 As well as the Korowai, a couple of the other items we used belonged to me or family as well, which made it a little extra special. The bone I am wearing belongs to my mum and was made especially for her and Ari is wearing my paunamu.

We LOVE these portraits. They turned out really awesome. Only thing I wish is that Llewellyn was in them with us as a 'Colonial' man. He would have made our pics!

The experience was great and Ari loved playing 'dress-ups' which is funny considering this kid very much DISLIKES getting undressed and dressed at bath times! But she was such a good little model!

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