I really enjoy the story 'Where the Wild Things Are' and it is awesome for teaching because their are lots of language and art activities you can do with the one book. Anyway, in my class we did a little unit on the book as we have been wrtiting character descriptions so I thought writing about the wild things would be great, but even better is the art. I really love art and sometimes it's hard trying to fit art in with the demands of everything else, like the reading and maths (my kids can count to potato lol). Anywho, I love drawing and so we did a drawing lesson and the kids art came out great... so this is my little brag... like anything, everyone has different strengths and everyone is at a different artistic ability (or not at all)... some of my kids are pretty good at drawing, but overall, they all look pretty good to me ;) Our wild things are displayed on the class wall, complete with background etc. kids love it!!!
Second from the right is my fave...
The little Max in the right hand corner is pretty cool too...
I like the birdie, second to last...
We also made a big book with our writing and I copied the kids art and put them in too. The kids love the book!
Man I love it.
It looks awesome.
How old are these kids again?
Great job.
My kids are mostly 7 and some 8 year olds... Thanks Milz... im trying to think of another epic kids book we could do some art from... Any suggestions?
The regular show?!?
Hairy McClairy
There's TONS of dogs to draw and different backgrounds to do
Scary cat, pond, rotunda, pet shop, etc
That's a good one.
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