What impresses me about this story is all the little lessons it teaches...
Well, lets think about this, the sons of a King choose the Lord over their kingdom to serve 14 year missions! So liken that to ourselves, how willing are we to give up things of the world for God?
THEN... Ammon, a Nephite, goes to King Lamoni, a Lamanite, sworn enemies and offers to be his servant. Talk about love thy enemy... How often and how easy is it for us to despise those that are our "enemies"? Even good people have "enemies" even if we don't want them and personally I don't like having ill feelings towards anyone, but in my human nature, I do. I guess that is where it is up for us to try and love as Jesus and God do, which sounds so easy because they can do it... but Jesus is so perfect that it is hard to fathom being like him, even though we may really want to be!
And then... Lamoni offers a daughter for Ammon to marry, but he declines. Why? Well I think it is because that is not his purpose for being there, Ammon has been sent to do the Lords work, not follow after his own will or any other mans will... AMMON IS THE MAN!
Ammon is my Book of Mormon hero because...
- He has a willingness to serve the Lord
- He is faithful in the Lord
- Shows humility
- Has a Christ like love for his enemies
- Heeds to the Spirit
- Recognises and uses the opportunities the Lord blesses him with
- Puts the will of the Lord before his own or any others
- Has a testimony of the power of God
- Shares, teaches and defends what he believes in!
Then, co-incidentally, this months Ensign has a great story about Abish, servant of King Lamoni's queen, which is like another little side story intwined with Ammon and King Lamoni's... it is a good read and I would reccomend it! You could say Abish is my Book of Mormon heroin!
Would'nt it be great if we could be as strong and faithful? I think that as long as we are trying to do the best we can, with the knowledge and means we have, than we are working towards that strength and faithfulness! MAN I LOVE THE SCRIPTURES!
Haydn is the Gospel Doctrine teacher and we had the king lamoni and Ammon (chopping off the arms story) last week. Haydn asked me to summarize it so I studied it too. I love reading the scriptures and then simplifying them and creating a picture in my mind too. Makes the scriptures easier to understand. I haven't read the Abish story yet i the Ensign.......I'll go read it now! See you next weekend x
I get excited as well.
Awesome post.
I'll see you next weekend as well..............................
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