Monday, 21 May 2012


I have been totally slack with my blogging! I want to use the excuse that it's because I have been so busy, which is'nt a lie, but then I think well uhmmm I bet everyone is busy huh!

Work: anyway, it is week 2 in my new job and I feel a little home sick for my old school. Missing some of my colleagues and students, but it is all just teething pains and I know soon enough I will be fine and a bit more settled in. This change will be good for me. Early mornings are working out awesome and although my day is a bit longer, I actually feel all the better for it. It's funny how you learn the different personalities and characters of the kids pretty quickly, had them sussed the first day!

Quilt: still getting there! Quilt is pretty much done, just have to put a border on it, trim a few bits here and there and then it will be complete.

Church: callings going well, had a couple of really cool visits for trade offs last week. Had stake conference on Sunday, enjoyed the talks.

Everything else: GREAT!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Sounds like things are wonderful.