Tuesday, 1 May 2012

The Ten Virgins Fireside...

For a couple of months now a small group of sisters from our ward have been painstakingly practicing for a fireside! After all the practices, we FINALLY performed on Sunday and I am more than pleased that it is over!!!

So it was a musical fireside and it was based on the parable of the ten virgins. We all had speaking and singing parts and I have to say that all the sisters did WONDERFULLY! It was really good... especially for sisters that don't usually sing! But boy am I glad its done! 

I think sometimes you get to a point where you are just over all the practicing and you just want it to be over with, well that's how it was for me anyway. I do have to say though, I enjoyed it in the end! 

Check out our awesome costumes! We really did look AND sound the part haha...


Melissa said...

I've seen this show before.
I bet it was great.

Llew said...

awsome ash... you were the best singer there!!!