O.C.D I hear you ask? YES O.C.D, but not quite as you know it! I think I have Obsessive Creative Disorder! I am so sure I have previously explained that I get these ideas and have an overwhelming feeling of I HAVE TO DO IT! I am still working out if that is a good thing or not, especially considering this week is meant to be WORK week and not PLAY/FUN week...
So the other day when Moo and I were in Hamilton, I had to stop at Spotlight to get a couple of things and I end up walking out with a new project! It was inevitable because this was something I wanted to start ages ago but had'nt yet! So I am making a quilt... Yes I do have another quilt to finish and it will get done, but I have'nt found my fabric, which has magically disappeared so I decided I would make this 'quik' quilt! Actually, you can help me get this quilt made by asking me how its coming along, which is a good lil reminder to get the project done!
I had such a productive day with my quilt, but yeah you guessed it, I got NO school work done! I really hope that I can sleep tonight because I could'nt last night thinking about starting this quilt! GEEZ... And I hope I can manage the temptation to get stuck into my quilt and actually get some work done. It will be hard to resist!
Early days of the quilting process!
Seriously though, I really just want to get started with the sewing! Today I had to sew the edges of my fabric before washing it so that they dont fray, then I had to iron it dry, then I had to cut my blocks (squares) and I need a whole 195 of them, still 27 short (need a lil more fabric). Oh and I still have the batting to cut! SHEESH, where do I get these 'brilliant' ideas from? So no sewing just yet, a lil more cutting to do first!
This is gonna be GREAT.
Good for you.
Dru and I wanna make two quilts.
We just need to find the time.
hows the quilt coming along? LOL just tryna help....
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